The restaurant is 3-minute walk from Kinshicho. The restaurant recently opened in November 20, 2014, and is the first ever halal Chinese restaurant ‘東京穆斯林飯店’ in Japan. (Halal Certified)
The food is prepared by resident Muslim chef with zero use of pork (no pork menu such as subuta, etc., gyoza, etc. are made by beef), but the restaurant does serve alcohol beverages. The kitchen is not divided since there is no pork use in the first place.
The restaurant was very hygienic and the food was super delicious as well! There were a lot of Japanese customers. When I asked Japanese customers for their feedback, they said not only could they detect any taste difference, but they actually preferred halal style Chinese over regular Chinese food.
The Muslim people on the photo came all the way from Yokohama. They said they were not able to eat Chinese food before, and they were very satisfied with the taste.
The lunch menu is which includes mabo-tofu, karage, salad, rice, soup, pickles, and “all-you-can-eat” anin-tofu. I ate till my stomach became full, so it is definitely a good deal!
Restaurant Information
Open: 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Dinner) from 3:00 p.m. , 7 days a week
Tel: +81-(0)3-5669-0934
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