Meltique Beef uses beef from Australia to create artificial marbling. It is known for its extra tender and juicy texture. Due to its careful processing technique, it enables chef to cut cooking effort along with its reliable quality; Meltique Beef dramatically increases kitchen convenience and cost effectiveness. Through various cooking methods, Meltique Beef can be used to provide customers with stable quality cuisine on a consistent basis. This amazing beef is safe, delicious and can be used for a wide range of occasions.

Meltique beef
Meltique beef

Its process

By getting the idea from a French cooking method “piquer”, we are able to cost-effectively develop juicy and soft beef by inserting fat inside the meat through the meltique processing technique. We use high quality Australian beef through carefully selected suppliers. For this process, we comply with its product specification by carefully removing fat, muscle and impurities such as bones, etc. By inserting fat into the meat, Meltique Beef is able to maintain its juicy texture that are otherwise lost during the cooking process. All products are carefully inspected and packed by our product specialists.

QA System and Safety

HOKUBEE AUSTRALIA is certified as HACCP corresponding factory by DAFF (Australian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries/Quarantine Inspection Service), and has also obtained the AUSMEAT and BRC approval (EST.No.429). All of bacteriological examination for the products are being implemented in an inspection room within our own factory, and a sensory inspection is also used to ensure its taste and quality.
We have obtained a patent for the production of Meltique Beef in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and Taiwan. Meltique Beef is a registered trademark of HOKUBEE.


Halal Certification

Meltique Beef is a one of a kind halal certified processed beef in the world. HOKUBEE AUSTRALIA has obtained halal certification since the beginning of its establishment in 2002, and has been exporting to countries like Indonesia and the Middle East region. In order to become halal certified, we came up with a product that uses rapeseed oil, instead of the beef tallow that is difficult to obtain halal certification.


Raw material meat: Striploin (AUSMEAT Cut Code 2140)
Case weight: undetermined until measured (approximately 10~15kg)
Packaging type: Individual packaging

It is our company’s most popular product that has an excellent reputation for sirloin steak used by businesses of all types such as steak restaurants, hotels, family restaurants, etc. Conveniently packed in serving sizes, our product helps save time during food preparation and yet provides quality and taste assurance to all our buyers.


Restaurants in Japan that uses our product
-Ippin Ebisu:

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