Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University is a Japanese private university with its headquarter located in 1-1 Jyumonjibaru Beppu, Oita.

The university was established in 2000. The abbreviated title of university is “APU”.
The university motto is “freedom and freshness”. As its basic principle, the university advocates “freedom, peace, humanity”, “international mutual understanding”, and “the future shape of the Asia Pacific region ”.
The tag-line “Shape Your World” was established in 2008 by the students from over 80 countries/regions who gathered at APU, to express the image of “The image of creating own self/world”.
As of November 1, 2014, there are total of 5796 students comprised by 2659 international students from 75 countries/regions, and 3137 domestic students (percentage of international students, 45.9%). Out of international students, there are currently about 400 Muslim students and 252 Indonesian students.
The cafeteria offers halal corresponding menu and is planning to be halal certified by this year’s April.
For the future prospect, the university is planning to adjust the class time schedule so that it can correspond to Friday afternoon worship time.
As you can see, Japan is promoting internationalization by creating a system that can correspond to Muslim friends.