Recruiting Information
Muslim Writer
Muslim writer is a freelance staff who works for Halal Media Japan. Whoever has sympathy with the mission of our company can become the writer. The Job of the writer is writing articles about what he/she experienced in Japan.
Article written by the writer
The writer is expected to write articles about something related to Halal or Muslim in Japan. For example, there are the following subjects up to now:
- Report of Halal restaurant
- Shop that sells Halal products
- Tourist site and its prayer room, etc.
Reward and Refund of Expenses
Halal Media Japan pays a reward to the writer after the draft was accepted. It is necessary to have a bank account in Japan to receive the reward. It could not be transferred to foreign countries.
Muslim Photographer
Muslim photographer is a freelance staff who takes pictures of Japan. The Job of the photographer is taking photos such as attractive tourist spots and Halal foods in Japan. These pictures will be used for Instagram of Halal Media Japan.
Reward and Refund of Expenses
Halal Media Japan pays a reward to the photographer after the picture was accepted. It is necessary to have a bank account in Japan to receive the reward. It could not be transferred to foreign countries.
Please contact us for the details.
Application Form
[contact-form-7 id=”13122″ title=”Application form for Muslim writer”]