Written by Sk. Nishat Abdullah-san

Whenever I develop the desire to eat pizza or pasta in Japan, I have to check whether it contains bacon or not. Because almost all bacons in Japan are made by pork meat, I had to refrain myself from eating pasta or pizza containing bacon. It is the endeavour of Mr. Mujahid to launch the first ever halal Italian restaurant in Tokyo named “Pran Pone”. In this restaurant any muslim people can safely enjoy the taste of halal bacon and different halal Italian dishes. Actually, Italian foods are famous in almost all over the world. So, muslims from different corners of the world visiting Tokyo, desiring to taste the mouthwatering bacon, may be disappointed. I think there is no more need to remain disappointed at eating bacon and Italian food as “Pran Pone” is now on operation. Regarding the taste of the food, it is first class.
There are different flavours of pasta and pizza along with some desserts.
Another problem for muslims in Tokyo is that they cannot always find a place to say their prayer. Sometimes, the schedule for prayer is a little tight and muslim pious people need to say their prayer by that time. The “Pran Pone” have the arrangement for saying prayer for the muslims. People coming for eating lunch or dinner here, can get the opportunity to easily say their prayer.
The presence of a “prayer room” in a restaurant changes the environment totally and creates confidence in the heart of muslim about the authencity of the halal menu. The enthusiastic hospitability of Mr. Mujhahid and his stuffs along with the peaceful environment gives a muslim to enjoy the Italian food with great satisfaction.

Address 1-9-5 Toyotamaue, Nerima-ku, Tokyo
Tel +81-(0)3-3991-5944
Mail pran-pone@ae.auone-net.jp
Lunch&Cafe 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Cafe&Dinner 3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (L.O. 9:00 p.m.)
Mon is closed.

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