As one of the “omotenashi” to foreign tourists, it is surmised that HALAL stores will increase in outlet malls and service areas of highways by the date of Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in 2020. Under these circumstances, Yamada Foods Ltd. acquired HALAL certification to enter the market. Without limiting to noodles, they are planning to develop products committed to “local production for local consumption” including vegetables and rice in cooperation with farmers in Narita, and market these as HALAL products. The thorough hygiene management and manufacturing methods without using additives such as preservatives that has been carried out in noodle making business at Yamada Foods Ltd. is the same as “healthy, clean, safe, high quality and high nutrition,” which is the standard for HALAL certification. Taking advantage of the acquisition of HALLA certification, they plan on enhancing consciousness towards continuing to offer safe and healthy foods.
In this manner, the product lines and storage areas are strictly separated in the factory.