What is it Like For a Muslim to Live in Japan? Part 5

Written by Rahmania Radjadi
This article is part of the “What is it Like For a Muslim to Live in Japan” series. Previously in Part 1, 2, 3, and 4, I wrote about prayer, mosque, Ramadhan, Eid Mubarak, Eid ul Adha, animal sacrifice and education for Muslim children. In expectation that the series will help Muslim people who are willing to move to Japan in the matter of work and study.
What we need to know about getting a dwelling in Japan? Is there any special needs or plan for Muslim on getting one? Well, there are much points that you have to note about getting a place in Japan and the answer for the second question is no.

Here I more of talking about getting apartment for people who are moving to Japan because of work because that’s what my husband and I were having the experience with. For you who are coming to Japan for study, I don’t really know how is the process to get a place in Japan. I don’t know if the campus will help or not.

Real Estate Agents

The easiest way to look for places is by getting a housing agent. They will help you a lot. Also a tip from me is get one who can speak English. Also getting a place to live in Japan can be a little troublesome for someone who is about to try for the first time. That is why getting an agent will help you. They will help you to look around, asking you what kind of place do you want, which are do you want, and how much budget do you have.
They will give you some listings that are suitable for you and your budget. Do you want to know what else is will help you on getting an agent? Ask your Japanese friend for recommendations.

Finding on Your Own

I don’t recommend this one if you are not speaking Japanese yet, even if you can speak small portion of Japanese, I still not recommend you to do this unless you have help from a friend who can speak Japanese. Why? First, not all landlords can speak English or used to have a foreign tenant. Second, again if this is the first time you are getting a place in Japan, it can be a little troublesome.
When you want to find a place on your own, you simply just keep your eyes on listings at magazines, also in which train lines do you want your place to be. You also can search listings online using real estates websites such as realestate.co.jp and suumo.jp.

What is the nitty gritty that you need to know before you start looking?

Renting a place in Japan can be different with renting a place in your country. In Japan you need to know things related to renting a realesate such as key money (reikin), security deposit (shikin), maintenance fee, and guarantor. Also the standard terms on blueprint in Japanese realestate, like they usually use the number of tatami as room size. It’s better if you ask people who have experience about renting a place before.

I hope this article will help you on getting a place in Japan and I wish you have a great day!

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