Eid ul Adha and Animal Sacrifice

Eid ul Adha and Animal Sacrifice
My sister and my parents was there

Written by Rahmania Radjadi (http://www.rahmaniaradjadi.com)

Are you a Muslim who will move to Japan because the company you are working at will send you to Japan? Or maybe you are a Muslim who just accepted at a company located in Japan? Or you are a Muslim who just got a scholarship to study here? Are you wondering what is it like for Muslims to live in Japan? This article may help you a little.

Previously in Part 1 and Part 2, I wrote about prayer, mosque, food, Ramadhan, and Eid Mubarak. This time, Part 3, I will share about my experience during Eid ul Adha and animal sacrifice.

Eid ul Adha

Eid ul Adha is a celebration in commemorating of Prophet Ibrahim who was willingly offered his only son as a sacrifice at Almighty Allah’s command. Which Allah then replaced his son with a sheep as a granted for The Prophet’s devoutness, so that Prophet Ibrahim’s son Ismail was still alive.

It is one of the holiest celebration on the Islamic calendar. Also known as the Feats of Sacrifice that epresents the end of Hajj the annual Islamic pilgrimage.

Planning on doing Hajj

There are some tour and travel that would arrange Hajj and umrah. Planning on doing Hajj and umrah will not be a problem. What you need to do is doing some research which one is the best travel that provides Hajj and umrah services. Ask your friends who have done it before or do some searching online.

Eid ul Adha and Animal Sacrifice

The Prayer

During the Eid ul Adha celebration, Muslims would perform prayer just like in Eid Mubarak day. The last 2 years, I celebrated Eid ul Adha in Japan with my husband’s family. Just like any other party, we cooked food that mostly only is cooked on certain celebrations, we also invited some friends to enjoy the Eid ul Adha together.

Most of the Muslim community and Muslim countries embassies will provide their places to perform the Eid ul Adha prayer. Once we had performed the prayer at the Saudi Arabia Embassy and once the next year we had performed the prayer at the Balai Indonesia, The Indonesian Community place which located at the Tokyo Indonesian School.

So if you are a Muslim and new in Japan, yes you could easily perform the Eid ul Adha Prayer. What you need to do is just check the embassy’s websites to see the events and schedule for the prayer.

What about animal sacrifice?

In my country Indonesia, which most of the citizens are Muslims, we never experience any adversity on doing the animal sacrifice. As we could easily buy sheep or cows as easy as possible because when Eid ul Adha is coming, most of the farmers would have been placed their animals in the nearest place to your area and ready to be sold and to sacrifice the animal we just need to send our chosen animal to the Mosque you choose to perform the sacrifice.

Eid ul Adha and Animal Sacrifice
One of the farmers cow that being sold in Indonesia

How about in Japan? Can we still do the animal sacrifice?

If you are capable of doing animal sacrifice, you don’t have to worry about how you will do it. You can do animal sacrifice with some Mosques that arrange the animal sacrifice for the year. If you are living in Japan cities, what you need to do is find the local mosques in the city and contact them if they have animal sacrifice arrangement for Eid ul Adha.

One of the mosque that I know in always arranging the animal sacrifice during the Eid ul Adha is Otsuka Mosque. You can find the information in their website in www.islam.or.jp/en.


Living in Japan will not cause any burdens and or obstacles on celebrating the Eid ul Adha. You can plan on doing Hajj and umrah departing from Japan.

Thank you for reading this article, I hope you enjoy it and see you in the next part!

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