Halal Media Japan Co-organizes International Halal Village at MIFB 2017.

Malaysian International Food & Beverage Trade Fair

Malaysian International Food & Beverage Trade Fair is Malaysia’s largest and longest-running food and beverage trade exhibition that covers the full spectrum of food industry – from agriculture food, food machinery to food service.

Sphere Exhibits Malaysia working in collaboration with Halal Media Japan is bringing the international Halal Village to MIFB 2017. F&B stakeholders from various countries will be bringing their products which conforms to Halal quality standards.

Malaysian International Food & Beverage Trade Fair

For more information;
MIFB 2017 official website http://mifb.com.my
Downloads http://mifb.com.my/exhibitors-download/

Contact us;
Halal Media Japan Co Ltd, Yokoyama (Mr)
65 9222 6150

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