Delicious lamb chops recipe that always satisfies my tummy

Written by Rahmania Radjadi (

Two weeks ago I made a trip to Costco in Kawasaki and this is actually not the first time I went to Costco because my husband and I always manage to go to Costco for once a month to buy our fruits and vegetables stock. We love to buy them there because they always cheaper and Costco is a wholesaler, so everything is in large packages.

What made me so excited about this last trip to Costco was I found this halal package of 2 large pieces of lamb shoulder from Australia and yes it’s cheaper than the other store that I used to buy halal meats. This lamb shoulder can be cut into 8 large pieces of lamb chops. So yes, I bought the package and planned to cook lamb chops.

Where to buy the lamb shoulder aside Costco?

If you think that Costco is too far from your resident or maybe you don’t want to make a Costco membership because you are not interested in shopping groceries there, you still can buy the lamb shoulder in your local meat store. Just make sure that they have the halal ones. You can also buy halal meats in Nissin super market if you are living in Tokyo.

Grilled Lamb Chops Recipe

In this article I will share the delicious lamb chops recipe that always satisfies my tummy and of course you should try it too! This recipe is for 4 people.


  • 4 pieces of lamb chops (8 pieces if you are using baby lamb shoulder)
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • A thumb size of ginger
  • Coriander powder (you can also use coriander seeds about 1 table spoon)
  • Cumin powder (you can also use coriander seeds about 1 table spoon)
  • 1 tea spoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 table spoon of grape juice as red wine substitute
  • Thyme
  • Olive oil
  • 1 table spoon of red chili powder (if you want to give it a kick on the tounge)


  • Grate the garlic and ginger into a paste
  • Using pestle and mortar, put the garlic and the ginger inside the mortar then mix with the spices
    (coriander, cumin, turmeric, chili powder) using the pestle
  • Add the grape juice
  • Add olive oil into the mortar until all the ingredients are mixed and become a proper marinade
  • Rub the lamb chops with the marinade until all the surface is covered by the marinade
  • Let it sit for minimum 1 hour

Cooking steps:

  • Prepare the grill (you can use either grilling pan or the outdoor grill)
  • Drizzle about 1 table spoon of olive oil on the grilling pan
  • Grill the lamb chops that still covered in the marinade for 9-12 minute for each sides if you like
    your lamb chops to be served well-done ( 7-8 minutes for medium and 4-5 minutes for rare)
  • Add the thyme on the half way cooked for the aroma
  • And it’s ready to be served

You really should try this recipe, because it’s so delicious! Here is the picture of the grilled lamb chop, my husband and I were enjoying it so much.

Grilled Lamb Chops Recipe

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