100% Halal organic beef, buns made of natural yeast, grilled seasonal vegetables

Pomme Frites in Okayama

Written by Nazra Zahri san

When I heard from a friend that there was a halal restaurant that’s not a curry shop, I couldn’t believe my ears at first. And when she told me it was a burger place, I was bouncing off the walls. Proper halal burgers in Okayama, finally!

Pomme Frites in Okayama

Anyway, it’s called Pomme Frites (which means fried potatoes, chips, French fries, depending where you’re from :p) and it’s located along Nishigawa, just a few doors away from Milenga (the halal curry restaurant).

Pomme Frites in Okayama

Pomme Frites in Okayama

When we decided to go there, it was raining very heavily. We arrived at 11am, just as the shop opened (they close at 8pm and open all year round) and the manager welcomed us with the umbrella stand. We were led to the counter where you order and pay first.


Decorated with black and white portraits, the restaurant seats about 12 diners at one time. There’s also a bench outside the shop and you can also buy their takeout and sit by Nishigawa Canal under the cherry trees.

They use 100% organic grass-fed halal beef from Australia so don’t expect anything fatty like Wagyu beef. The burger buns are made of natural yeast and whole-wheat flour from Kumamoto. I would safely say this is a burger that won’t make you feel guilty afterwards.

Pomme Frites in Okayama

That day, I ordered their 150g steak that comes with vegetables and potatoes. My husband tried out their Original Burger and with an additional 490 yen you can get their pomme frites and one small drink. I was quite impressed with their homemade ginger ale so be sure to try that out.

A few days later, I decided to get their takeout Barbeque Burger. For this one, they use grilled seasonal vegetables instead of the usual fresh lettuce and tomatoes. Grilling vegetables is a great way to bring out the flavor and natural sweetness so this burger should definitely be their signature dish.

Pomme Frites in Okayama

I still don’t know why they call themselves Pomme Frites when it’s a burger place and not just selling potato wedges, so maybe you can ask them when you drop by. Enjoy!

Pomme Frites

Opening Hours 11:00-20:00
Close Daily open
Address 1-2-2 Nodayacho, Kita-ku, Okayama-shi, Okayama 700-0815
Phone 070-5300-0029
Website http://www.pommefritesjp.com
Halal Gourmet Japan https://www.halalgourmet.jp/restaurant/820

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