Tokushima Japanese Halal Food Fair held in Singapore!!

Halal, Yuzu

What will happen is a professional HALAL chef cooks using Japanese food ingredients?
Such unique challenge was carried out at a restaurant in Singapore. It was the first HALAL food fair using ingredients from Tokushima Prefecture and dishes were cooked by celebrity chef, Mr. Muhammad Kamal Khamis, who is also the chairman of Singapore Halal Culinary Federation.

Halal, Yuzu

A total of 16 dishes were cooked up on the day of the food fair, all of such using vegetables, fresh fish, and processed food directly shipped from Toksuhima Prefecture. Yuzu was particularly the center of attention.

Halal, Yuzu

Halal, Yuzu

Yuzu is very popular in Singapore. On the day of the food fair, foods like cocktail-style juice using yuzu, yuzu tea, and yuzu miso were served, opening up new possibilities of Yuzu that cannot be enjoyed in Japan. Perhaps Yuzu will become a great hit in Singapore.

Halal, Yuzu

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