Written by Razi san

We went to Hokkaido a few months ago when autumn was just starting to show its colours there. Halal food was harder to find in Hokkaido than in Tokyo so we sought to find and try as many halal shop as possible.
Of the many we’ve tried, the Houryu Ramen in Sapporo is the one that really sticks out among our food memories of Hokkaido.
The shop was quite a long walking distance from the nearest station. But then again all the roads are wide in Hokkaido making every destination quite a distance to walk. By the time we reached the small humble ramen shop, our stomachs were growling, demanding to be filled.
When we asked for halal menu we were disappointed to be handed a menu of only three types of ramens. Not really what we hoped for. And what was more disappointing was that they were all basically miso ramens.
We are not exactly a great fan of miso, to say the least and we probably wouldn’t have gone there if we were told this earlier. In our mind we were ready to expect leaving the shop disappointed.
Or so it seemed. Out of hunger we reluctantly ordered two ramens which were Genghis Khan Miso Ramen and Spicy Miso Ramen.
When the Ramen finally arrived however, we were totally blown away. They were super delicious. How could miso Ramen tasted so good? This was especially true for the Genghis Khan Miso Ramen. It was rich, strong and full of bold mutton flavours.
They were so delicious unlike other ramens I’ve tried before that I couldn’t help but ordered another one of Genghis Khan Ramen. If only I can find this ramen in Tokyo I would probably have it at least once a week!
One important thing to point out, the ramens are rich with fat flavours. This makes them perfect for the mostly cold weather of Hokkaido. I’m not sure if they will taste as good during summers in Tokyo.
It’s also important to note that not all menu in the shop were halal. But as far as we read from Halal Media Japan, the shop uses different apparatus for Halal menu and we could see for ourselves that they even used gloves to prepare our food. If you aren’t comfortable with a shop that serve non halal food, you probably should not come here.
That being said, we really love Genghis Khan Miso Ramen and wish we can have it again in the near future. Do try it out if you’re in Sapporo. If you’re a ramen fan like me I don’t think you’ll be disappointed smile emoticon




Mon:18:30~3:00 Thu~Sat:10:30~3:00 Sun:10:30~2:00
Minami6-jonishi 3choume, Chuo-ku Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
Halal Gourmet Japan



