“Honolu”,popular ramen shop among Muslim!

“スクリーンショット” 2017-06-29 14.30.32

A ramen shop “Honolu” which is located in Shibuya ward.
It’s only 2 minutes on foot from the nearest station “Ebisu”.
Since its opening in 2015, they offer halal Ramen,
that’s why it got very popular among lots of Muslim.
*Currently there are 3 stores in Tokyo,1 store in Osaka

In this article,let me introduce about popular menu of this shop!

Special rich chicken ramen

“スクリーンショット” 2017-06-29 14.33.06

The soup is made from halal chicken,and it tastes very rich.
Once you have it,you are going to like it!


“スクリーンショット” 2017-06-29 14.32.56

Nikkoken,one of the popular halal ramen shops in Tochigi,serve their halal Gyoza in Honolu!

Spicy ramen

“スクリーンショット” 2017-06-29 14.33.15

“スクリーンショット” 2017-06-29 14.33.35

There are also spicy flavor for Muslim!

The reason why you can visit without any worries

“スクリーンショット” 2017-06-29 14.32.37

“スクリーンショット” 2017-06-29 14.34.17

In this shop, they use halal food including ingredients,
there are also prayer space,
so Muslim can use it with any worries!
When you get in trouble,you can ask Muslim staff!

If you want to know more in detail

This shop serves so many delicious ramen except for the ones I introduced so far.

“I am kind of nervous because I’ve never been to ramen shop・・・”
“I want to know about their food more in detail!”

If you think so,please check our video!!

Related article

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