Easy and Delicious Home Cooking!

Easy Kebab-ish Halal Chicken Wrap

Written by Rahmania Radjadi san (http://www.rahmaniaradjadi.com)

I remember when I passed kebab shops in Shibuya and Harajuku, the delicious mouth-watering aroma from the food that spread wide through the air. Once my husband bought one for me, it was delicious, but the only thing that unsatisfied me was the portion was so small although my husband bought me the large one. Ha! I know, bare with me, I’m a foodie passionate person, I love great delicious food and I also love to cook great recipes.

I love kebabs, it’s delicious, nutritious, and simple to make. So I thought instead of keep buying the kebab, I insist to myself that I have to try to make it at home with a little bit of twist to make it a bit different which is using the idea of chicken wrap. Then, the hunting of the ingredients of the recipe began. My husband and I bought tortilla wrap (the halal one at Costco), halal chicken breast (bought at Nissin), and some plain yogurt. I was surprised that I already have all the spices for marinating the chicken.

I called this recipe “kebab-ish” because I use the same ingredients for the kebab to marinade the chicken.

Easy Kebab-ish Halal Chicken Wrap

Ingredients of Chicken Wrap

Here is the ingredients: (four portions)

Chicken marinade:

  • Yoghurt about 1 cup
  • 4 table spoon of cummin
  • 2 table spoon of pepper cayen powder
  • 2 table spoon of paprika
  • 1 table spoon of chili powder
  • 1 table spoon of cinamon
  • 1 table spoon of minced garlic
  • 2 table spoon of olive oil
  • 1 table spoon of squeezed lemon
  • 1 kg of boneless chicken thighs

Other ingredients:

  • Tortilla wraps
  • 3 Italian tomatoes
  • Lettuce

Cooking steps:

  • Cut the chicken into 2 bites size
  • Mixed well all the marinade ingredients
  • Marinade the chicken for minimum 2 hours
  • After marinate, prepare your grill (you can use either pan grill or outdoor grill)
  • Grilled the chicken for about 4-5 minutes on each side until fully cooked
  • Put the tortilla wraps in the microwave for 10 seconds
  • Put the wrap fillings which is lettuce, tomatoes, and chicken. Make sure that you put enough to
    make it easy to wrap
  • After finished finished wrapping, get a pan on your stove. No need to use oil.
  • Grill the wrap until the tortilla is harden enough. At this step you have to be careful because if
    the pan is too hot, it will burn the wrap.
  • Make sure to grill every side of the wrap that all the wrap is harden
  • Your chicken wrap is ready to serve, enjoy!

Easy Kebab-ish Halal Chicken Wrap

This recipe is simple and delicious, I love to cook this recipe a lot. You should try it too! Of course, the fillings can be substitute with anything you want like adding pickled jalapeno or put some chili sauce on it to give you some kick on the bite.

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