Exhibitor Profile of Halal Expo Japan 2016

What is the feature of your company and the products?

For the exhibition this time, we are co-hosting consultation sessions together with Indonesian halal certification authority (LPPOM MUI).
With Japanese interpretation offered, you can consult directly in Japanese about sales of halal products in Indonesia and overseas, or to promote halal products overseas etc. So please stop by our booth if you have any inquiries or doubts about halal certification.
We are also holding a seminar session (fees applicable) titled “Current and future directions of Indonesian Halal” on 22 Nov 1pm-3pm. We will discuss about the latest trends and future direction of the halal certification obligations in Indonesia. Please consider joining us at the seminar.

– We have started offering “free consultation” by the person in charge of Indonesia’s halal certification authority “LPPOMMUI”. (We will announce the consultation schedule at a later date).
(It is co-organised by Yano Research Institute and LPPOM MUI)

[Product (Book)]
– Indonesia Halal Directory (Japanese version) is a guidebook issued by the Indonesia halal certification authority on basis information for halal certification. It includes information on halal certification, the latest topics on halal, fatwā, and the listing of more than 7000 companies and factories that has obtained halal certification. It is useful basis information when searching for clients. (It is sold as a set of the original English/Indonesian copy together with the Japanese copy).
– Corporate Halal strategy 2016 pertaining to Indonesia’s health food and supplements market(The research and analysis report is on Indonesia’s current and future directions and strategies and efforts of corporations following the change in direction of policy. (Issued by Yano Research Institute)
– HAS (Halal Assurance System) Guidebook for processed food, restaurant business, slaughtering (meat processing business), raw materials, phaumaceuticals (including supplements), etc (Issued by LPPOMMUI)
– Others (Reports on Indonesia and ASEAN food product market and retail market)

Yano Research Institute Ltd.

Why did your company acquire Halal certification?

Our booth is co-manned by a halal certification authority

Yano Research Institute Ltd.

What are you looking forward to in Halal Expo Japan 2016?

We look forward to exchanging views with businesses who are interested in halal business, and to promoting understanding and knowledge of halal certification.

Where can I buy your products?

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