Halal Ramen and Beef Bowl at Naritaya Gion

Halal Ramen Naritaya Gion

During the Golden Week Holiday, I visited Gion in Kyoto. Gion is famously known as “Geisha district” located around Shijo Avenue between Yasaka Shrine in the east and the Kamo River in the west.

Halal Mentei Naritaya Gion

Halal Mentei Naritaya Gion

Walking around its neighborhood, you can easily find row of shops, restaurants and tea houses (ochaya). You will be mesmerized by the Gion’s classic architecture – a glimpse of exotic Japan. One of Gion’s attractions is its traditional wooden Machiya merchant houses – two-storey wooden old townhouses which create unique ambience to its landscape. However, some of the houses have been refurbished to adapt to current uses. My visit to Gion was to meet Maikos and take photo of them discreetly so that I did not bother them while they were working. After taking a walk around Gion, I decided to have lunch at Naritaya Halal Ramen Kyoto.

Halal Mentei Naritaya Gion

Halal Mentei Naritaya Gion

Halal Mentei Naritaya Gion

This ramen shop serves you 100% Halal Japanese Ramen with authentic Japanese taste. I went for Miso Ramen, Shoyu Ramen, Wangyu Beef Bowl and Chicken Rice Bowl. The ramen was extremely delicious. The strips of grilled chicken on top of the ramen really made the dish. The broth did not disappoint either. It left me with a refreshing and light taste to my buds. Apart from the broad noodles, I could spot nori seaweed, green onions, bean sprouts, spinach, a boiled egg, and the seasoned bamboo shoots called menma used in the ramen. What matters a lot is, this ramen shop provides a range of selections on its menu and the price is affordable.

Halal Mentei Naritaya Gion

For me, the real highlight of the restaurant would be the Wagyu Beef Rice Bowl. I could really feel the beef’s tenderness and juiciness. With its decent quality ingredients, I recommend you to try this menu. Naritaya in Gion also provides a prayer space for Muslims and the space could accommodate 2 persons at one time.

Halal Mentei Naritaya Gion

Halal Mentei Naritaya Gion

The chef and the assistants are very warm and friendly and most importantly, if you cannot converse in Japanese, fret not because they can take your order in English. Overall, I would rate their service as excellent and pleasant. I hope that this restaurant makes it ways to continue serving customers besides providing convenience for Muslim visitors to find halal food in Kyoto.

So, if you are totally exhausted and feeling hungry after wandering around Gion, do drop by Naritaya and go for halal ramen. I could rest assure you will not regret it.

Halal Mentei Naritaya Gion

Ability Gion Bid. 1F, 424 Rinkacho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Halal Gourmet Japan

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