Written by Teguh-san


Dear readers, in my previous article, I have explained some tips to distinguish the halal food in Japan. Now I will share some tips to directly ask the food shop or restaurant owner whether the foods they sell are halal.

Generally, less Japanese people have recognized the term ‘halal’. Therefore, if we want to buy food in food shop or restaurant, we preferably ask the ingredients of the food they sell specifically. It’s strongly recommended to ask whether it contains liquor, pork, etc.

How do we ask them? Below, I include some simple Japanese conversations to ask the contents of food sold in the markets.

In Japanese: “Kore wa buta niku haitte imasuka?
English Translation: “Does it contain pork?”

In Japanese: “Kore wa niku haitte imasuka?
English Translation: “Does it contain meat?”

In Japanese: “Kore wa mirin haitte imasuka?
English Translation: “Does it contain mirin?” (mirin : similar to rice wine)

In Japanese: “Kore wa osake haitte imasuka?
English Translation: “Does it contain liquor?”

The pattern is: “kore wa … haitte imasuka?
“Does it contain … ?”

The answers are usually:
(+) “hai, haitte imasu.” (Yes, it does)
(-) “iie, haitte imasen.” (No, it doesn’t)

Good luck!

Teguh Setia Anugeraha

