Good location!8 minutes on foot from Kyoto station

It only takes 8 minutes on foot from Kyoto Station,
“Kyoto Plaza Hotel” which many tourists and businessmen love.

From Kyoto Plaza Official Hotel
From Kyoto Plaza Official Hotel

Since Kyoto Plaza Hotel desires to have more customers enjoy Japan,
they are promoting Muslim friendly service.

Support from meals to pray

One of the features of this hotel is “breakfast free service”.
And of course they also provide Muslim friendly food as breakfast.

If you contact to the hotel by the day before your stay,
it is possible to serve you Muslim friendly breakfast.

From kyodo tsushin PR Wire
From kyodo tsushin PR Wire

Popular items such as chicken sausage and chicken nuggets,
they order Halal certificated one from Gyomu super(one of the famous super markets in Japan),
and also,it is possible to use the breakfast corner as prayer space!
So we can say Muslim can stay there without any worries.

Actually, it seems that 20 to 30 Muslim groups stays at the hotel per month.

Expectation for future expansion

Apart from Kyoto, the hotel also has the other brunch in Osaka and Hyogo prefecture,
so depending on the result of Kyoto, we can expect to expand to other stores in the future.
Please keep on paying attention to it.

About this hotel

28, Nishikujo, Zao-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto, 601-8414, Japan

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